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Chapter 10. How Happy Should I Be? Leveraging Neuroticism and Extraversion for Music-Driven Emotional Interaction in Robotics

Authors: Richard Savery, Amit Rogel, Lisa Zahray, and Gil Weinberg

Abstract: Personality and emotion have both received extensive attention in human-robot interaction research. The most common personality framework, the “Big Five,” has been linked to the process of controlling one’s internal emotion and external display of emotions. While in psychology literature personality and affect are consistently linked, the terms are often considered as separate features in robotic literature. This paper studies how varying the degree of emotional response through sound can be used in robotic systems to demonstrate a variety of personality types, focusing on two of the Big Five personally traits - Neuroticism and Extraversion. The study described in the paper compares how human personality types affect the perception of sound, and how humans rate different robot personalities. The findings suggest that all human personalities prefer to interact with robots showing low Neuroticism and high Extraversion emotional responses over the short term. This research contributes new understandings regarding complex, sound-driven emotional interactions between humans and robots and identifies new opportunities for personality based affect-driven interaction.


Playlist with 31 Samples of Gestures